I'm Selling

Increase your sales

Customers spreading the cost of their purchase is proven to increase sales and order value

How it works

Find out how PayItMonthly can work for your business and our commitment to you


Simple pricing with no hidden fees for your or your customers.

Integration Options

We have various different options from plugins, paybylink and our full API

FCA authorisation

You do not need FCA authorisation to offer you customer instalments through PayItMonthly

I'm Buying

Customer information

Find out how using PayItMonthly will work for you

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You can speak to us on the phone, email, live chat or even send us a letter.

About us

Meet the PayItMonthly team and find out a bit more about how we started


Articles giving you a bit more information about us, what we do and how we can help you grow


Support Articles for everyone who uses PayItMonthly

Interest-free instalments to win more customers

We understand that converting customers is not always easy, we give you the best possible tools to help you unlock your potential and thrive.

Now Available With

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I want to buy

Stand out from the crowd


Offer a new way to pay

Customers have almost endless buying options, by not providing flexible payment choices that suit their demands you will miss out on potential sales.

We've got you covered

At PayItMonthly we give you the tools needed to offer your customers simple instalment plans that will help you increase sales and unlock your true potential.

  No set up fee
  No fixed contract
  No minimum turnover/trading history
  No FCA authorisation required


Our partners and customers rate us excellent on

How it works?


Open your account

Follow the simple steps to open your account without a setup fee


Offer customers finance

Customers can sign agreements in-person, by email or online.


Get Paid

Payment made to you once goods or services have been delivered.

Offering 12 months at 0% provides an option that doesn't exist anywhere else in the cricket sphere, benefiting customers and helping us manage our cash flow.

- Johnno Gordon, Woodstock Cricket Co.

Let's work together

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Let's work together

Sign up for free or book a virtual meeting today